Wedding Photography at Syon Park

As I sit down to write this on dull wet Monday morning, looking out across a wet back garden claggy with dead leaves, it’s lovely to look back over Izzy and Pouya’s beautiful summer wedding in Syon Park.  Especially as the day nearly looked like it does right now.  Give or take the mulching leaves.  It was the last weekend in August and the Friday and Saturday absolutely threw it down.  It was grey and relentless in a way that you just can’t imagine it ever ending.  (No fun for the weddings falling on those days then.  Sodden wedding photographers trudging home at the end of those days with trench foot and hypothermia.)  But Sunday, as it really had to for these two, broke and was beautiful, sunny and warm.  The closest we got was a gorgeous, dark, stormy, post-ceremonial blue light that created a beautiful backdrop to a few of the photos and moved on.  This was an incredibly romantic wedding.  Not just because the exoticism of a Persian wedding — although it was… lyrical and poetic with alien symbolism you can’t help but be enchanted by.  Not just because the ceremony took place in the Great Conservatory, built nearly 200 years ago out of gunmetal, Bath stone and glass so you have the most amazing light everywhere you look (and which those familiar with it may have noticed turned up in last night’s series finale of Downton Abbey).  Not just because the grounds we shot the bride and groom portraits in were shaped by Capability Brown.  And not just, but also hugely, because Pouya had secretly practised a classical guitar piece that he then played to Izzy, lit by candlelight — who thought he’d given up the guitar, due to the pressures of their both being doctors — at evensong in the Great Conservatory.  But just because, well, it was.  It was just one of those incredibly romantic days.  Here are the photographs.  Wedding Photography at Syon Park, Persian Style…